Heat and humidity have been unrelenting for the past two weeks. I should be used to it—this is July in Virginia, after all—but I dread this kind of weather more than any other. Give me a nice 15-degree snowfall, and I’ll be bundled and out the door for an afternoon of hiking. When the temperature goes over 90, the air conditioner becomes my life support and venturing outdoors is as risky as strolling on Mars. Luckily there is the occasional relief of thunderstorms. I got to witness one close up with camera in hand at Linden Vineyards last week. We were enjoying a refreshing glass of Riesling in the shade of their terrace when the sun suddenly disappeared behind clouds. Within minutes, a line of thunderheads was moving above the vines, and hard rain started pelting the rows. I took shelter under an awning that gave me a fabulous view of the storm front as it swept across the landscape. Being careful to keep the lens dry, I was able to document the shifting light and racing rain. When the storm had passed, steam rose from the ground to shroud the trees and hills. The air smelled fresh and sweet—a deep inhale of storm-cleaned oxygen is so invigorating. And the 20-degree drop in temperature was a much-appreciated bonus!